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Hello from Germany!


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Hi there, I found this forum via a Tweet of Prof Cox so thought I'd chip in.

I bought an ETX125 several years ago and GOTO'd my way around the Messiers, which I blogged about here:

starhopping I am Roger the Shrubber

I found Deep sky interesting, but once dobe would appreciate advice on how to go further with the hobby.

I've recently started playing with my Canon 350D and will post up my latest attempts.

I am a Brit lliving in Bavaria btw receiving BBC via satellite. I live on the 48th lat. line.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Can I recommend that you read "Making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards (FLO £19.95) which is a very comprehensive guide that details what you need and how to obtain the kind of images that you want to get. Your scope isn't the most suited to this activity because of the way that it tracks objects, namely in a stepped fashion that will show up in the star shapes during long exposures. It might be possible to produce an image from video frames of say planets or the moon because these bright objects require small exposures and therefore by definition less tracking. The reason for using video is to combat movement in the atmosphere that a single image would reveal as a blur. There are moments of stillness and it is possible to get that one shot that is in focus but it is very much hit and miss.

The book above gives far more detail than is possible here and in fact might save you money by helping you to avoid buying the wrong kit.

Clear skies


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