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very basic question (I'm new to this) what do I need??


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OK I'm new to astrophotography and want to take some images using my Canon 1000d and my new Jessops 800x80 reflecter scope

What do I need to marry the 2???

T mount adapter and eye piece?

can anyone provide links to some that I could buy?

Sorry it's so basic but I've never done any of this before!! :)



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You could use a t adapter and the correct t ring for your 1000d but on some scopes i believe there are issues with getting the camera to focus . There is an adapter called a dslrmax which is sold at flo and other places which is designed to help achieve focus on scopes with limited in travel but i'm just getting into dslr astrophotography myself so wait until someone else confirms .

Regards Alan

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