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Early Morning 12/12/06


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I got up early this morning to do a little observing. The plan was to go out last night, but I wern't feeling too well.

Theres a couple of things that have really stuck in my mind from this morning. Firstly M51 in Canes Vanatici. Looked really nice in the 15mm Moonfish, and a hint of the spiral arms (more than what I get on M31 for instance) was a real eye-opener! I was surprised just how much detail I could see! I don't know of that had anything to do with me collimating my scope though, maybe it was out before, and next time I view M31 it will be better! I viewed a few other fuzzies in CV, but I have no idea which were which, as I left my book inside.

Next was Coma Berenices, once again, I viewed quite a few fuzzies (which I found by just scanning the sky) so I have no idea which was which, but sometimes you really just don't care, it's nice to see them!!

I had a look at Praesepe in Cancer, wasn't really that impressive if the truth is know, but that could be because the moon was not too far away in Leo, so I ain't given up with that just yet!

Finally Saturn. First time around, I was very disappointed with the view through the dob, but today, despite the wobbling (damn wind started to get up) it looked utterly fantastic! I could clearly see the Cassini devision and 2 of the moons!! I used a 20mm EP with a 2x Barlow lens! Oddly, when used a straight 10mm EP, it didn't look much at all. I'm not sure if the Barlow extends the focal length, as if I am correct, the higher the 'F' the better the view of the planets. My scope is an F5 (best to have...If I wanted a tornado! hehe)

I'm really pleased with the view of Saturn now, as I was so disappointed a week or so ago. I mean it could have been because it was lower a few weeks ago, as I viewed it around midnight, this morning it was pretty much at zenith!

All in all it was well worth getting up at this time in the morning, though I have pulled all the muscle in my shoulder and chest carrying the dob base, my own fault for getting out of bed, and going straight out, I think my muscles were still asleep :D

Anyway I'm a happy Kain :)

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It's an excellent feeling when you get a really great view of something, especially for the first time.

One thing that I've noticed since getting a bigger scope is that the effects of poor seeing seem more noticable compared to with my 4.5" reflector - so maybe poor conditions also had something to do with your past view of Saturn? Thanks for reminding me about all those great sights awaiting me in the spring. It seems a long time ago I was last looking at anything in Coma Berenices and I think it'll be a while yet before I do again - late nights are one thing, but if I start rolling out of bed at 5 to go outside I may find a bed set up for me in the greenhouse :D

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