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Think I may cancel my order, thoughts?


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I recently decided to get into astronomy and ordered a Skymax 127 scope with AZ auto mount. I (stupidly) thought bigger the better... "It should be fine for some planetary viewing and a bit of astrophotography" I admit, how wrong I was!

After reading and researching solidly since placing my order it's obvious that the mount and scope are 'wrong' for the type of imaging I want to get from it.

I've toyed with piggyback mounting my camera to the scope or directly to the mount. But ultimately as you good folks pointed out right at the start it will be a 'frustrating' process. :)

My thoughts are now to; cancel my order and go for Skywatcher*Explorer 150PDS : EQ5 PRO GoTo. I understand that the EQ5 is the minimum for decent imaging? And I feel this scope will still fulfil my needs when wanting to have a look at the moon, Jupiter and saturn's rings. This setup will hurt my wallet a lot more now but I feel it's better than going cheaper and being disappointed with very limited imaging options.

Do you have any thoughts on my change of heart and what advantages/disadvantages I may face with the Skywatcher*Explorer 150PDS : EQ5 PRO GoTo option?

I know it's been a case of jumping in with two feet first (silly me) ordering the Skymax 127, but as it's simply on order I have the option to change now and not be disappointed.

The proposed setup will be used with my Panasonic Lumix FZ28, with a look to go full DLSR when funds allow.

Thanks in advance.

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If it's planetary / lunar imaging that you want to get into then IMO the Skymax 127 will be a better scope than the 150.

The Skymax is a long focal legth scope designed for high power planet/lunar viewing. The 150 is a short focal length scope designed for wide field observing.

The Alt/Az mount will also not be a problem for Planetary imaging - but it would be a problem for long exposure Deep sky imaging.

The camera that you are proposing to use isn't ideal for the planets though. I would suggest a webcan like the Phillips SPC900 is a much better choice.

This camera will capture 10 FPS and is much more suited to the moon and planets than a "Normal" camera.



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Yes, I should have specified that I understand the Skymax 127 will be good for planetary viewing/imaging via webcam. It's the area of DSO imaging that will be greatly restricted.

I want to image DSO, but also some view of planets all be it not to the level of detail as with the Skymax 127, I felt the Explorer 150 with EQ5 offered a decent compromise if equipped with the correct eye piece and Barlow.

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Yes, I should have specified that I understand the Skymax 127 will be good for planetary viewing/imaging via webcam. It's the area of DSO imaging that will be greatly restricted.

I want to image DSO, but also some view of planets all be it not to the level of detail as with the Skymax 127, I felt the Explorer 150 with EQ5 offered a decent compromise if equipped with the correct eye piece and Barlow.

If DSO imaging with a DSLR (all these acronyms!) is your goal then do change your order, I would say. A small refractor would be my own choice but that would not be great visually so you may well be bang on with the 6 inch Newt.


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