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Got the Magellanic Clouds!!

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I spent Xmas in South Africa, with my 15x70 binoculars :). The best sight of ANY deep sky object I had was of the Large Magellanic Cloud. At first only the brighter area stands out, and the Tarantula Nebula, after that all the detail of the outlying areas come into view. Second best was the Small Magellanic Cloud, with the huge globular cluster 47 Tucanae just beside it. Some smaller stuff such as the globulars NGC 362, 416, 419 and 121 were scattered round as well, together with the small diffuse nebula NGC 460. I just kept going back and forth between the two clouds over and over again.

The southern sky is just amazing!:eek:

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Nice one Michael, I'm looking forward to getting into the southern hemisphere, and the Magellanics are on my list. Did you get to see the southern cross? It would have been quite high up in the wee small hours, and of course, one of my favourites, the Jewel Box...

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Well done. I'm jealous. I spent 3 months in South America, back in 2002, travelling right down to the southern tip of Argentina, up through the Atacama Desert in Chile, etc. At the time I wasn't interested in obervational astronomy and always kick myself as it was a once in a lifetime trip for me. I spent half the time camping away from towns too. Had a great time but seems like a wasted opportunity now my interests have changed.

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Well done. I'm jealous. I spent 3 months in South America, back in 2002, travelling right down to the southern tip of Argentina, up through the Atacama Desert in Chile, etc. At the time I wasn't interested in obervational astronomy and always kick myself as it was a once in a lifetime trip for me. I spent half the time camping away from towns too. Had a great time but seems like a wasted opportunity now my interests have changed.

Just remember the great times, the Magellanic Clouds will be around for a while yet. You may get a chance to see them again.

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Well done. You bagged a good crop of southern hemisphere treats. We who live down here probably take our skies for granted. When our northern friends drool over them it makes me realise how special they really are.

Must be great to see that lot. Having read about them so many times can only hope to follow michael one day. :eek: well done by the way micheal look forward to reading the full account.


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Must be great to see that lot. Having read about them so many times can only hope to follow michael one day. :eek: well done by the way micheal look forward to reading the full account.


A fuller account is here:


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