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So long and thanks for all the fish.


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Thats it, I'm out. I've managed to sell all of my astro equipment and now I can turn my attention to my back problems and concentrate on getting back to full mobility and tearing my hospitals director a new one. Fifty two weeks and I'm still waiting for a surgery date.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone I've met on here and in the flesh, its been a short lived astro career spanning a mere 16 months but I've seen alot in that time and learnt so so much from the good folk here at SGL, but it gets to the point that when you cant even screw an Astrotrac on to the top of a tripod without being in absolute agony you know its time to pack it in for a while.

I may come back to it one day but maybe with something more sensible than a 12" Newt and a 5" APO frac on an EQ6......

I may hang around here aswell but my time at SGL will be alot less than it used to be, 5 posts a day average since I joined is a fair bit but I need to now try and keep my back from packing up and sitting online all day dosnt help. The morphine helps but I then have to spell check my posts...lol. I know it seems a bit dramatic writing this but I'd rather let you know whats going on than just dissappear.



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The morphine helps but I then have to spell check my posts...lol.

Hi Simon, I know what you must feel like as I too am on Morphine for my spinal condition, currently 90mg MST/day plus Oramorph and have been for 5 years now but I have turned back to Astronomy in the last few months as I can not get out much doing my previous hobby of rocketry and sitting/lying down is now common for me so Astronomy helps me relax and forget the constant pain.

Take it easy and look after your back. PS if you are in the UK then Coventry Walsgrave is a very good hospital for Neuro Surgery.

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All the best Simon. Keep in touch, OK?

I'm hugely grateful to you for being patient while I bought your Equinox. And if anyone deserves a break...it's you :(

I hope your back gets sorted and you can realize all those ideas and plans you have.

Good luck bud *thumbs up*

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Wishing you all the best for the future.

I have a bad back that pops out more often than Jordans silicone bits,the only good thing about it is it seems to pop back in again within a day or two.I cant imagine what it must be like to suffer permanently.

I really do hope you get it sorted quickly and successfully.

Once you do you'll be back(no pun intended.):(

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Hi Simon,

Haven't you heard; this is the hotel California. You can check in any time of day but you can never leave... :(

I hope that you make a speedy recovery - quickly. It has been a pleasure discussing the various aspects of astronomy and imaging with you over the past few months.

Take it easy.



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