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NGC457 - Owl Cluster


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Despite the snow I managed to get out on Christmas Eve to do some imaging. I had to clear a path through the snow for the cable to go from the cellar hatch to the shed and the temperature was -5c during the night but I was nice and warm in my thermal gear. Despite the light pollution from a 3/4 moon, artificial lights and light reflected from the snow I decided to try an RGB image of NGC457 as it was virtually overhead. This is 12x5 minutes for each channel and is a crop from the full wide field image

It was taken with the FSQ106ED and Starlight Xpress H36. Processing just consisted of levels, curves and gradient removal.

The full widefield can be seen at NGC457 - Owl Cluster Widefield photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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You can really see the Owl shape, even if he is a little lopsided.

Nice one Gordon!

Hi Tim

Thanks for the comments, he isn't lopsided, he's just eaten too much christmas pudding and is having a nap:)

Best wishes


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