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Preferred scope for White Light Solar?


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The question is in the title. I suppose, as with most imaging, the "favoured" instrument is an 80-100mm ED F5/6 refractor? But I sense (tho' a fine thing!) my ST102 Achromat won't quite cut it. <G> I do believe it is down to some "balance" with aperture and daytime seeing effects?

What about using my "spare" Mak127 on an EQ3-2 as a dedicated scope? Or would I GAIN something from using my "main scope" (for now) MAK150 for the purpose. Would it be an advantage to use the maximum aperture on the MAK127/150, or should I stop it down to 3-4" anyway? I have a full-aperture "Thousand Oaks" filter for the 127, but sense Baader Film in a DIY holder might be better (or more contemporary!) solution... :(

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With average seeing a 80-100mm refractor at x80 or so will give you great white light solar views.

A light green or Baader Continuum filter will help with the contrast and significantly reduce any CA effects.

I've set up my Celestron ST102 with a Baader solar film as my white light scope

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