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Quick filter question

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I have read the sticky about all the different filters that are available and what they do. I have a really simple question that you guys will be able to answer as 'yes' or 'no'!

If I buy the correct filter for my scope that will show up the nebula - Does that mean that I will basically be able to see, for example the Orion Nebula, how I can image it through a digital camera?

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Visually the filters help a little to create contrast between the gases which make up the nebula, and the surrounding space. You will see more definition in the nebula as the background and to some extent the stars are muted.

However, cameras are very much more sensitive to the light emitted and reflected by objects like the Orion nebula, and usually show them up in far greater detail than you will ever see visually, and in colour too. You can get filters for cameras to enhance the emission type nebulae, but they are different from ones used for visual observation.

Hope that makes sense!



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