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i loved it...Dara brought an element of humor to the show

Congrats to Mike and Nick for their images it was great to see familiar names....i will be looking forward to tomorrows show

So am I ;-)

Thanks Peter...

Tomorrow is the Sun.. should be fun!

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i just found out that Dara O' Briein has a degree in Maths and Theoretical Physics. So Ross is the only moron lol :)

Thats why i cant understand people slagging him off.Dara is a clever dude,obviously not too many people new he had a degree,assume that because he's a comedian that he's just another idiot and was only there to get a laugh,which he did but he also brought honest enthusiasm which is one of the most important things on a show like this.Thats what so appealing about Brian Cox.Enthusiasm and a superb way of making the complicated easy to understand.

It cant be easy to try to get a show to appeal to beginners and not bore "experts" but also not get to techy as to have Joe public go "What the :icon_scratch:"

Sky at night it was never going to be but at least its an effort to get astromony to the masses so should be applauded.

There are plenty of astronomy related programmes on Nat Geo and Discovery for the experts i would have thought.

Highlight for me was when my wife cheered when my name got mentioned...............he says modestly. :eek:

Stewart Watt......not Watts

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Thats why i cant understand people slagging him off.Dara is a clever dude,obviously not too many people new he had a degree,assume that because he's a comedian that he's just another idiot and was only there to get a laugh,which he did but he also brought honest enthusiasm which is one of the most important things on a show like this.Thats what so appealing about Brian Cox.Enthusiasm and a superb way of making the complicated easy to understand.

It cant be easy to try to get a show to appeal to beginners and not bore "experts" but also not get to techy as to have Joe public go "What the :icon_scratch:"

Sky at night it was never going to be but at least its an effort to get astromony to the masses so should be applauded.

There are plenty of astronomy related programmes on Nat Geo and Discovery for the experts i would have thought.

Totally agree with you it's pitched to encourage people into to Astronomy not to people who are already in the hoby. Thats got to be a good thing it's already had a positive effect on the number of members joining SGL :eek:



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Really enjoyed this programme, I have read all the posts so far and like almost everyone else I agree it is trying to give a view of the nightsky to the general public who might have watching. Seemed to be over in no time making me think why not go for more than 1 hour? At least we have a couple more to go. :eek:


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I liked Brian's dry humour that Dara occasionally felt the need to clarify when he was joking.

The best bit was when Brian carried on from where Dara left off on Astrology bashing, in order to offer a "balanced view from the BBC" and then confirmed that Astrology is a load of rubbsih. LMAO!

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I enjoyed the program a lot - more than I was expecting to.

Thats why i cant understand people slagging him off.Dara is a clever dude,obviously not too many people new he had a degree,assume that because he's a comedian that he's just another idiot and was only there to get a laugh,which he did but he also brought honest enthusiasm which is one of the most important things on a show like this.Thats what so appealing about Brian Cox.Enthusiasm and a superb way of making the complicated easy to understand.

I like Dara O'Briain, and if you've ever seen him on QI it's obvious he's nobody's fool. The first time I watched Wonders of the Solar System, I didn't really 'get' Brian Cox, but I watched the series a second time over the christmas period, and I have to admit I've had a complete change of heart - his almost child-like enthusiam is very contagious, and I can't wait to see his next series. And I thought the two of them worked perfectly together. ;)

It cant be easy to try to get a show to appeal to beginners and not bore "experts" but also not get to techy as to have Joe public go "What the :icon_scratch:"

Sky at night it was never going to be but at least its an effort to get astromony to the masses so should be applauded.

There are plenty of astronomy related programmes on Nat Geo and Discovery for the experts i would have thought.

Exactly... couldn't agree more. I thought it was pitched just about right. :eek:

And thankfully, the 'Woss' segment was only a short one. I can even forgive the beeb for not showing University Challenge - just this once! :)

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I watched the show last night and really enjoyed it. Thought they maybe could have made more of the clear skies than just showing Jupiter through the scope but it was a good start and I'm looking forward to the next 2 nights viewing.

Reading through this thread I'm a little disappointed at some comments made against Dara O'Briain but Jonathan Ross in particular. Calling someone, who you no doubt do not actually know, a moron and could actually be a member of SGL is totally out of order IMO. It's not the SGL way from my short experience of being a member here.

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As an attempt to get the uninitiated into the wonders of amateur astronomy, I think it hit the mark very well. I'm sure very few of us learned anything new, and you could drive a bus through some of the things described (that guy must have one hell of a DSLR!) - but I'm sure it will have got a lot of folks interested in looking up, which has to be a good thing....?

The sequence of pics after the dslr statement were mine they showed 7 in all Last night gratifying but misleading althouogh

the Orion pic was taken with an old 350d and was my first guide pic.

If it gets people interested then i guess its ok

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Calling someone, who you no doubt do not actually know, a moron and could

He will be judged by his actions as he is in the public eye, and in the past year he has been a moron...

I thought the show was OK - they had a clear sky they should have used it more

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All in all I though it was aimed about right, enough even to keep my teenager engaged for the whole hour , which, if it isnt PS2, facebook etc is a feat in itself. He may have even learnt something, which is another first!

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The sequence of pics after the dslr statement were mine they showed 7 in all Last night gratifying but misleading althouogh

the Orion pic was taken with an old 350d and was my first guide pic.

If it gets people interested then i guess its ok

It was a great mention Dave and well deserved :eek: ...i agree a little misleading but i supose they would have to explain a lot in the short amount of time and they dont want to put anyone off who might have a go by making it sound too complicated.....but we know :)

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It was a great mention Dave and well deserved :eek: ...i agree a little misleading but i supose they would have to explain a lot in the short amount of time and they dont want to put anyone off who might have a go by making it sound too complicated.....but we know :)

Very kind of you to say Peter and appreciated but i'm not in your league, wish I was, I need a major leg up to achieve that.

Thats what this forum is all about for me though, always someone with the knowlege that can help.

I noticed an M45 pic that looked very sharp taken with an Newtonian was that one of yours, it looked familiar

Congratulations to Nick, Howes, Mike and others that contriubuted to the programme well done to everyone impressive stuff



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He will be judged by his actions as he is in the public eye, and in the past year he has been a moron...

Being judged by people not in the public eye whose actions, moronic or not, can be carried out in total anonymity is to me out of order. No doubt I've done totally moronic things throughout my 40 years of life so perhaps that's why I feel the way I do. I suppose for those who are perfect are in a position to judge others....

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