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Looking forward to it myself. I just hope the clouds stay away enough for people to actually see something. Mind you, i suppose that will also show how frustrating amateur astronomy is sometimes, especially here in the UK.

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'"Because astronomy, as far as the general public are concerned, is right up there with train spotting and stamp collecting on the nerdy geek scale. BBC obviously feel Prof Brian needs some mainstream help to sell it to the masses. I think they maybe right."

-- I will second that opinion.

Just to give you an idea on the level of public apathy out there, I was with some friends from UK on a ship to see a total solar eclipse. The eclipse was awsome and clear, and my heart was pounding for what must have been the shortest 2 mins of my life, but these guys I brought along with me said afterwards "what was the big deal" and "was that it?" etc.. and then complained that they could have been watching Eastenders etc..

For reasons good or bad, Wossy and Dara can captivate the mainstream public and I'm hoping to see some humour presented along the way. If these guys can do a tiny bit to prove that astronomers are not nerdy wierdos (well with the possible exception of myself) then I'll be happy for that alone.

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-- I will second that opinion.

Just to give you an idea on the level of public apathy out there, I was with some friends from UK on a ship to see a total solar eclipse. The eclipse was awsome and clear, and my heart was pounding for what must have been the shortest 2 mins of my life, but these guys I brought along with me said afterwards "what was the big deal" and "was that it?" etc.. and then complained that they could have been watching Eastenders etc..

For reasons good or bad, Wossy and Dara can captivate the mainstream public and I'm hoping to see some humour presented along the way. If these guys can do a tiny bit to prove that astronomers are not nerdy wierdos (well with the possible exception of myself) then I'll be happy for that alone.

Thirded. Really looking forward to seeing what contributions Dara and Mr Woss have to make to the event!

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Dara O'Briain is no mug, he was a serious scientific student. There's a video of J Ross looking at Jupiter and he seems to behave. They have got him in to make the celeb that is Mr Ross appeal to more non-astronomers. Brian Cox will eat him with the science and his own personality and old Dara can talk at a hundred miles an hour and make perfect sense.

Really looking forward to it.

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Dara knows his stuff, as does Mark. Brian is single handedly the reason why certain retailers saw a 2000% increase in telescope sales... and Wossy is one of the most high profile celebs out there. We'll hopefully also see Dr Lucie Green and various S@N people during the days, as well as the delightful Liz Bonnin, in what I personally hope is a very clear Hawaii!

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I thought he was quite good in the clip. Nowhere near as annoying as he can be. I am really looking forward the programs.

Is anyone from SGL doing anything for the shows or associated events?



Newcastle Astro Society are at Seaton Sluice Middle School with different size scopes(inc my 10" Dob :eek: ) for the public to view.

If cloudy, there will be a free talk giving a quide to the night sky and how to start off in Astronomy.

The BBC will be there filming the event, which is the 4th Jan, between 7-9pm.

Hope to see some SGL members there.


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Really looking forward to this.

It was 'wonders of the solar system' along with my dads lifelong interest that really encouraged my astromony exploration.

Not in that order, but the tv program really tipped the scales to see what dads passion was all about.


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As they have a team in Hawaii they had beter have made arrangements for clear skies here. ;):eek:

That must be a really terriable job, doing an astronomy show from Hawaii.:D:D:D:D

Maybe JR is the sacrifice to the cloud god.:eek::hello2:

Then again he could a threat to the cloud god: Give us clear skies or we send Ross to you!!:):evil6:

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I'm really looking forward to the show, it is Brian's 'wonders of the solar system' that tipped me over the edge and made me ask for a telescope for Christmas. I think that J Ross will be quieter than usual. All in all can't wait :eek:

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Personally, I think he's ok in the preview clips I've seen so far, the "all the gear, no idea" approach comes to mind. Typical story if you think about it, Joe Bloggs gets his scope on Xmas morning has no idea what to do with it. It sort of comes from that angle.

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Now that is staggeringly good Nick. To get one pane of that animation would be a feat but to get that clarity over the length of animation is genius. Damian's stuff is the next best thing to being in orbit around it :eek:

Thanks for sharing that with us Nick and I second what you say :)



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