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New street lamps being installed


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They have started replacing street lamps in Shrewsbury. I couldn't really tell whether they were better or not at first. They didn't seem as bright from a distance, but quite bright once you are underneath them. Pale orange rather than bright orange of the old style. But today I drove along a street where both types exist in thick fog, and the glow from the new lamps was going mostly down and a bit sideways, but not up! The old type were glowing in a 360 degree ball. So still early days, but fingers crossed, looks like Shrewsbury might be about to get darker at night :D

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just had the wireless white ones installed near me.....like being daytime when under :D luckily they dont flood or shine into property. Going to write to council and ask them to test the dimming facility - at least that should ensure they get return on investment :D

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Good news, Julian.

When you get out there observing again, please let us know whether it has made a difference to your skies.

I hope that Telford and Bridgnorth follow suit - their sickly orange light domes currently reach to 40 degrees of the night sky and look like a false dawn...:D

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Good news there, I hope that it makes a difference where you are. Hopefully the council round here will do something about the street lights which cast upwards, the floodlights at the cumberland sports ground and the railway siding floodlights which stand 100 ft tall and cast in every direction. A total waste of money as I can't see the railway workers needing 24/7 illumination over a 1 1/2 mile stretch of track, and the local footballers playing at 3 in the morning.

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