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Mars factoids!


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This might be fun:

With all the focus on Mars recently, I thought I'd start a thread where anyone can post interesting facts and stories about Mars. 

To start the ball rolling, here are two:

1. Though Mars is much smaller than Earth, its surface area is about the same as the land surface area of Earth.

2. Mars has the largest mountain in the Solar System - Olympus Mons - rising 24 km (78,000 ft).

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Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest:

orbit: 227,940,000 km (1.52 AU) from Sun

diameter: 6,794 km

mass: 6.4219e23 kg


On 1996 Aug 6, David McKay et al announced what they thought might be evidence of ancient Martian microorganisms in the meteorite ALH84001. Though there is still some controversy, the majority of the scientific community has not accepted this conclusion. If there is or was life on Mars, we still haven't found it. I was lucky enough to of seen this at Manchester University :)


It was given its name by the Romans in honor of their god of war. Other civilizations have had similar names. The ancient Egyptians named the planet Her Descher meaning the red one.


I wont hog the Post, good idea Steve.

James :)

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I couldn't resist returning to post this: 


Journey time · 5.25 Earth months

1 Martian year · 2.11 Earth years

Contacting home · Time lag = 25.4 minutes

Before you leave

Mars is closer in temperature to Earth than any of the other planet in the Solar System. But don't let this catch you off your guard. Mars' weather is even more unpredictable than our own.

We recommend a summer visit, when the temperature can reach a pleasant 27ºC. But keep an eye on the weather forecast! Storms can sweep across the whole planet. Within days, the temperature can plummet by 20 degrees.

Travellers in the winter months should note that Mars can reach a bitter -133ºC.

One final word of warning - make sure you are prepared for dust storms. Tornadoes as large as eight kilometers high have been seen causing havoc across the Martian landscape.

When you arrive

Your first decision when you arrive will be which hemisphere to head for. The southern hemisphere is higher, and has a more rugged landscape.

The northern hemisphere lies an average of five kilometres lower. We know that the surface there is younger as there are fewer impact craters.

There is no evidence of plate tectonics on Mars. This means that growing volcanoes aren't disrupted by surface movements. So they can grow 100 times larger than on Earth, like Olympus Mons. But unlike Olympus Mons, other volcanoes are still active, so watch where you park!


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