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The Agony and the Ecstasy


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So there is this nice new scope sitting in the corner and nothing but rain outside, then miraculously, the sky starts to clear, ok, looks like this telescope might see first light sooner than expected. I quickly get setup on the sundeck, let’s get this thing aligned quick before the clouds roll in again, there sits Jupiter the brightest thing around just waiting to have a scope pointed at it. Not so quick though, this 3 star alignment thingy might be a bit trickier than advertised. Hmm, location, yup, got my handy dandy Garmin GPS, no prob. Time, yup, got my super duper accurate watch, now, I can just about see Polaris over the roof ridge, should be a good place to start, ok next, next – alignment failed, ****, do it again, annoying alignment failed message again, one hour and several more alignment failed messages later, yes! Slew around to Jupiter, Yes! There he sits floating in the eyepiece, moons shining bright, more power needed, let’s try another eyepiece, turn around, trip over power cord, mount shifts, ****, re-align , Jupiter swims in the eyepiece again for a tantalizing moment before disappearing, I look up at the sky and there is a large cloud where Jupiter used to be with more clouds rolling in to pile up against the North Shore mountains, that’s it, no more stars will be seen tonight, then the memories all come back. It’s been more years than I care to count since I last seriously pointed a scope at the heavens, the frustration of waiting for a break in the weather, the painstaking setup with fingers growing numb from cold, the joy of seeing a celestial object floating before your eye, the disappointment as it disappears behind a cloud, yes it all came flooding back, I’ve missed it though, and I think I’m going to enjoy getting back into my old hobby.

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I havent welcomed you yet to the forum so welcome, I am looking forward to more posts from you. I hope you find like me that it gets less frustrating. the weather lately is almost as exciting as christmas all that waiting and hoping not sure whether you're going to get a pair of socks or that present you always wanted.

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I know just how you feel. Had my new 'scope after returning to astronomy after many years away.

In the last two months I've only managed to use it twice, and that was before I'd collimated it properly. Since then it's either been cloudy or I've been at work.

I'd hoped that the frosty nights would have provided some clear skies, but at the moment it's only cloud :D


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We've all been there and are still there!! :D If it isn't one thing then its something else BUT when it all comes together - it does make the whole pantomime worthwhile.

Clear skies


(p.s I wonder if your neighbours have decided to buy earplugs or if not - a new phrase book:D)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Bill, sorry about your alignment problems.

I have an 8se and find the three star align quite hit and miss.

I find a two star align with stars I know (not Polaris) to be successful almost all the time.

Good luck!

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