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M45 - Pleiades


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Hi all

I started this over a month ago but the weather and work have prevented me from doing any more untl the last two weeks when I have been on annual leave and despite some intermittent cloud earlier in the week I managed to finish the rest of data last night (very cold it was too!)

This was taken with the FSQ106ED f5 on a Paramount ME with a Starlight Xpress SXVF H36, the exposures are as follows

25x5 minutes luminance

16x5 minutes red

24x5 minutes green

20x5 minutes blue

Some of the frames had to be rejected due to cloud hence the odd numbers. Auto guiding was via a Lodestar camera and OAG with dithering used. The frames are fully calibrated and basic processing of levels, curves, contrast and shadows/highlights were used. No sharpenning or noise reduction was used

Please check out earlier efforts of this object in the Clusters page of the image gallery on my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page

Also there is a larger version on the following link

M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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