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Which charts tonight..


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As I am am lazy I find the "identifying which charts I need tonight" process tiresome when you have to do it over and over again.

So I created an excel spreadsheet which tells me which charts I need for each RA hour based on the "sky zones" I use..

I have attached the file but it is specific to my sky. I find I have a good view from N round to the SE. This allows me to see Decs from -10 to 90 (the pole)...

The tables on sheet two show which charts to take out and which constellations are best placed in my zones based on which RA is at meridian.

It works for me but I am sure you all have your own methods..


Bristol RA chart.xls

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if you want to go that low how about this. scroll down until you get to the charts

JR's website on Deep Sky Astronomy

or how about this

Welcome to FaintFuzzies.com

That faintfuzzies website is an amazing resource. Thanks for that.

Sorry to go a bit off-topic but have you seen the kit the author has? He's in another league entirely. I mean, a 48 inch (yes, 48 inch) Dobsonian!

Just look at the size of the ladder:


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