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Forces shaping Orion?


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I'm having a ball working on a widefield of the whole of Orion, king of constellations. The work in progress poses some questions.

-The vast, faint nebula at the top, around Cr69, seems not to have a name but it must have one. Anyone know?

-It also shows signs of being swept by a shock front coming from the west (right in the image.) Now so does Barnard's Loop, which is only visible on the east side (especially in this unfinished picture!!) Maybe the same shock front has destroyed any vestige of the loop on the west? Look at the top nebula and the loop and you distinctly feel that somethng is howling in from the west, no?

Or, looking at the top nebula only, is it maybe shocked from the east? Either looks credible to my eye.

Of course, appearances can be deceptive...



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How do these objects relate to each other distance wise?

I don't know because I haven't tracked down a name for the top nebula. If I can do that I can find out more about it...


PS Glad you like the pic. I just adore Orion. What a constellation! It has structures on every scale.

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Interesting stuff

That picture is getting better and better, can we have something like an SGL version of Stellarium with all of the good pictures in it? We could span quite a lot of the sky. Now theres a challenge for someone :eek:

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