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Why do we look forward to winter so much????


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Why is it that every year we wish the summer away and long for autumn/winter?

Every year without fail it's always the same. Autumn arrives and with it months of cruddy weather. Not a clear sky in sight. In maybe dark for longer but not much use if there is no clear sky.

Mental note to self.....make the most of summer 2011 and dread the onslaught of autumn!

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Hmph. 17 nights with observation in October, zero in August. And summer is uncomfortably hot as well as light for far too long.

Granted the first week of November has been rotten so far but no worse than August....

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Hmph. 17 nights with observation in October, zero in August. And summer is uncomfortably hot as well as light for far too long.

Granted the first week of November has been rotten so far but no worse than August....

I dont know what kind of summer you usually get up there Brian but "uncomfortably hot" are not words i would use to describe summers in the UK and Ireland.

I think the reason I like winters so much is because all the usual suspects are back in our skies. I've never really been a summer observer.

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Summer is for riding motorcycles, therefore I do not wish it away. Winter means that we can wrap up in all our favourite woolens and silly hats and remark how hardy we are, braving sub-zero (just) temperature to persue our interest.

Nothing beats a clear crisp winters night observing, inless you are fortunate enough to get time in the tropics, where night is (roughly) equal length throughout the year and it remains warm enough to be comfortable while you're out.

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I haven't been out for ages and had to get my fix cleaning my eyepieces.

I hate it when I miss the passage of constellations in the sky - finding that Andromeda is way in the west instead of overhead...:eek:. I missed a chance to properly study the galaxy fields in Virgo because of inclement weather.

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Here in the States the Summer sky stay hazed over most of the time. In the Fall of the year after the temperature drops a bit and a rain shower blows through the sky seem to clear tremendously and the viewing is awesome. Also, the winter constellations with the Pleadies and Taurus and then Orion rising in the East are a glorius sight to behold. The Winter sky is my personal favorite. There is something special about bundeling up on a cold winters night and spending time with the stars.

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Summer is for riding motorcycles, therefore I do not wish it away. Winter means that we can wrap up in all our favourite woolens and silly hats and remark how hardy we are, braving sub-zero (just) temperature to persue our interest.

Nothing beats a clear crisp winters night observing, inless you are fortunate enough to get time in the tropics, where night is (roughly) equal length throughout the year and it remains warm enough to be comfortable while you're out.


My bike will be still dragged out over Winter (less so once the salt starts). I bought the 'scope to while away the long winter nights.

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Patience, patience. Autumn is for strong winds to blow the leaves off the trees so I can eventually tidy the garden.

The end of November is when the winds die down and calmer weather breaks into clearer skys.

I hope.

well said - perhaps we look forwards to winter, not to autumn, and any clear nights in autumn are a bonus!

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Even when it's clear and the gods who decide when to turn off the convenient store lights (sometimes they do sometimes they don't with no real pattern) the atmosphere has been exceptionally crappy here in south carolina

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