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Photo and naked eye session 18/11

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Woke up at 3am this morning (as you do) and couldn't get back to sleep. Peeked outside and saw a lovely clear sky - it had been a little hazy earlier last night and I wasn't expecting it to clear, so I hadn't set up. Typical.

Instead, I grabbed my DSLR, tripod and lappy (and a flask of tea) and headed out into the sticks to do some wide-fields. My lens is not really fast enough at f/4.5 but worth a go I thought.

Having found a suitable side-of-road-layby, set up the triopod and camera and aimed at Orion. It was crying out for a scope on it, and was looking amazing as He hunted The Bull, with his dogs at his feet. Sirius was doing some serious twinkling and after a while I noticed that other stars were twinkling a bit more than normal, so I guess the seeing wasn't as steady as I first thought.

Even from this relatively dark location, the LP from the horizon was more than noticeable on the images the camera was taking, but having finished with Orion, I took some dark frames as well for processing this morning.

Time for a cuppa and a wander round the heavens! Starting at Cassiopea and Perseus, I could easily make out the smudge of the Double Cluster but Andromeda was too far into the murky horizon to make out. A little 'Hello' to the Seven Sisters and on to Taurus, whose great red eye of Aldabaran was keeping a firm watch on Orion and Canis Major and Minor!

As I turned past Orion, I saw two small meteors coming whizzing out of Leo and then a large one that left a great green trail as it headed towards Canis Minor! Wow! Not seen a good one like for ages so was really pleased I was facing the right way!

On past Orion then to Leo and a long look at Saturn, wishing I had now brought the scope!! As I headed toward Leo, I could make out the Beehive as a nice big smudge and noting how much further past Saturn was from the Beehive compared to last season.

Back to the camera and I aimed at Leo in the hope I might capture a meteor, but no such luck! A couple of snaps of Ursa Major, which was strange to see stood on it's handle, and then it was off back to the warm!

A nice couple of hours out, glad I made the effort, and surprised at the number of cars around at that time of the morning!!

Processed pics will be later


EDIT: Picture added here


It was a great morning, for which I am now paying!! Off to bed, ready for 2am and meteors!! :D


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