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Bright big orange thing?

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First off I live near an airport and am an aviation buff, and am stumped on this one. I live in south carolina and at work tonight on my walk to the top of the parking garage, I saw what appeared to be Betelgeuse, but it seemed far too big. Then i realized the only thing vie ever really seen from this garage was Jupiter, and the moon. It was a dull orange, and lasted a good 10 minutes at least. I could see flashing red as well, but it seemed too fast and as I said before too big to be any aircraft I could think of, what does a rocket launch look like? Or could it have been a small meteorite? I've also seen the red lights of an aircraft in the distance, those still looked red. Again I ask what object in the sky makes an orange color? Edit: this was about 8 in the evening

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I've got a video of Chinese lanterns above Scotland a few years ago, the camera really shaky but you can clearly see orange lights. I've since recorded a much better few but never got round to uploading them. If it looks like the ones in my video its definitely Chinese Lanterns.

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