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Hello From Buckinghamshire


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Just thought I would say hi.

I have been interested in Astronomy ever since I can imagine. When I was about 8 I used my Dads old 3 inch reflector, I was amazed at what I could see.

When I was about 17 ( and had my own money ) I bought my first scope.. That pretty much put me off. It was an Awful 4.5 Inch wobbly mount cheap thing. That pretty much ended back then untill now, 12 years later

I Just bought ( not recieved ) a Skywatcher 200p from research I beleive this to be a relativley decent scope ( Dad persueded me to to this from the 150p) :)

I am a pretty good photographer, and would love to use this scope in conjunction with my EOS Digital, but have absolutley no clue, but I am sure this forum will be of great help :(

Anyway thats my rather long Intro, I will be receiving it Tomorrow and can not wait.


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Hi Jason and welcome to the forum.

The 200P won its group test in the Sky At Night magazine if memory serves me right with it riding on an EQ5 mount, so your dad's advice was sound. Is that the combination you have?

I'm not an imager but if you have the above spec then generally a motorised equatorial mount will help you make a very good start. Might need to ask over on the imaging section for better advice as to how far your setup will take you on your journey to the 'Dark Side' (astrophotography) as its sometimes known. :)

Clear skies


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I can`t advise you about using your camera, but having the same size scope myself i do not think you will be disappointed with what you can see with it.

What sort of things do you want to look at and do you have a dark site to observe from?

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I live pretty much on the edge of a small town so the back of my Garden is just fields, so its not exactly dark dark, but a lot better than Ive ever had before.

I've never really looks at any of the Mseeier objects, so am very excited about doing that!

Of course as allways will be looking at the Planets.

To be honest I am just starting up this Hobby again and have a lot to re learn.

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Sounds like your location is not too bad for light pollution so you should find it relatively easy to find many of the messier objects. I live in town but near the edge so even i can find many of them. If you have a clear southern horizon then Jupiter should look good through your scope and you should be able to find Uranus also.

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Because it is reasonably close to Jupiter it is quite easy to find. I would say though that it will only appear as a small disc but very nice when you do find it.

I find it very satisfying when i find something for the first time and once you find it it is easier second time around.

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