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I'm a noob with collimation difficulties

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I've had my newt (Skyliner 200p dob) for a month now and I thought I'd better get around to collimating the thing. I got stuck in following many and varied guides and useful posts but there's one bit I'm stumped with (or possibly more than one but - I probably know far less than I think I know).

See this picture, it's not that clear but it's a view into the focuser. It might look a bit wonky but that's just my photography. See the black circle in the middle? That's what I can't work out. When I look into the focuser it looks like the pale circle surrounding the doughnut is off centre. A couple of guides have said that that kind of offset is fine but most have the middle bit properly centered so I wondered if any of you would be able to tell me which is right please? If it's wrong and it shouldn't be off centre do I need to adjust the primary or seconday? The full view of the primary looks good and I can see all three mirror clips.

Thank you in advance.


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OOps, sorry about that, I seem somehow to have messed up the link attachment thingy.

Kris77, thank you for the pointer to the Astrobaby guide - I think that was the first one where I saw mention of there potentially being an offset. If anyone else with collimation problems is reading it I can also highly recommend it.

Jason D, that is exactly what it looks like! Good to know that's how it should be. That was actually how it was fresh from the factory, I thought it was wrong, fiddled with it until it was worse then spent ages getting it back to how it was when I started.

Thank you both for your help, even though it's not needed now I'll upload the picture when I get home for the sake of completeness.

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