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Stolen eyepiece?


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To set the scene, my back porch is above a partially above ground basement, and every night before I go and look, I leave it out there for a few minutes, and so, I decided after looking for awhile to move it out to the backyard. It was when I moved it up at the moon that I noticed the eyepiece I had left in was missing, that and the moon filter as well. My question is if it wasn't stolen where did it go? I've looked everywhere. Oh I forgot to mention my basement door was open. My next question is, of all the things in the house, there is nothing else missing, why just those two things? Edit there was a break between viewings

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Just wondering if it was actually in the scope when you took it out and left it?

Any chance that since last used you have removed the eyepiece for any reason, and then put it down elsewhere and simply forgotten.

Could you have removed it to look at the filter, take the filter out, put the filter in, change the filter?

I have a 9mm ortho somewhere, bought it over a years ago, looked at it, put it down on a table, never seen it again. Have a rough idea of where it the room it might have fallen just not actually hunted for it.

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They do sometimes survive a fall as one inevitably gets to find out, sooner or later.

My own bet would not be theft but simply falling out en route from the house. Are dead sure the EP was in place when you left the scope? Memory and assumption are closely linked...


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My memory is very poor at the moment due to emotional issues, but I could absolutly swear that the last time I saw that 10mm eyepiece was inside the barlow lens which was inside the scope. The only thing that made me think theft, was the back door to the basement being open, and I haven't nor has anyone been down stairs to my knowledge either. The last thing I remember doing is capping the eyepiece because I intended to go back out later and look at the moon after a hockey game. If I had put it anywhere I would have put it in the holder, but that isn't something I did, nor is it there. I walked around the house twice looking for the eyepiece, and it wasn't where I walked, or at least I didn't see it.

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I hate that when it happen's I've lost the key's to my obby more times than i care to remember but they always turn up somewhere silly. The worst lost them one day after doing some work took the house apart blamed the wife on putting them away somewhere, whent out that night they were still in the lock.

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It was lying on its side, It appeared to me to have fallen on the moon filter side. Hopefully it isnt scracthed. Incidnetally I keep forgetting to take the moon filter out, so when I quit looking at the moon and start star hunting, I often wonder why it's so dark outside.

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It's not age, it's emotional trauma, I've had a rough last few years, either that or I'm going nuts. Try losing a few people you care about in a very short time, and see how messed up it makes you, no offense intended.

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I'm always putting things down & forgetting where I've put them, funnily enough it happens a lot less when I'm observing ... I think it's because I unconciously concentrate on where things are so I can find them again in the dark.

Anyhoo, the best way to find something is to look for something else ...

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Glad you found it...

Picking up on another post...

My Obs Keys are on a "boating" keyring one which has a 2" diameter cork ball fitted to it... that way thery are easy to feel through warm clothes even when wearign gloves, and dead easy to find if they get dropped...


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:)What a relief ! Often when I lose something outside I think it may have been stolen, but it invariably turns up in the end. Also when things fall to the ground they are never immediately beneath where they fell from! I am often amazed how far things bounce or roll away from the point of impact, Gravity - who needs it ?!? :)

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope you feel better soon. I find 'stargazing' really takes me away from whatevers going on in my life as I just completely focus on my hobby.


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It's not age, it's emotional trauma, I've had a rough last few years, either that or I'm going nuts. Try losing a few people you care about in a very short time, and see how messed up it makes you.

I know how you must feel, the emptyness that makes your life drives you to wonder why and you miss them dearly.

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