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Dont you just love when a parcel arrives


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Sitting at work this morning and the postman rings the bell so I pop through to the office next door as the receptionist is making my cuppa

And low & behold 2 parcels for me :)

A solar filter that I ordered from Green Witch at 4pm yesterday (what cracking service)

and a set of 6 Celestron planetary filters and a moon filter that I ordered off of Ebay USA Tuesday of last week

Fingers crossed for Clear skies tonight so can try the filters out :)

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It's under control now, partly my fault for not wanting to pay extra to ship it sperately but it would of helped if they told me a month ago that the barlow lens I wanted wouldn't be in till Janurary. Either way I chased it up and decided to swap for something of the same value and they shipped it yesterday.

Funny thing in my rush to find something I chose a weather station sensor thinking it was a cheap weather station but it was just a sensor, so then I had to find a weather station so it wouldn't be useless. So hopefully by Friday I will have 2 deliveries and be very happy about it. :)

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My parcel has arrived :)

Now I have to find some English instructions for a couple of things but I a very happy, finally have my T-Ring and Camera adaptor plus some solar film and a couple of other bits and bobs.

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