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There will always be non-believers...


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A very entertaining read, suppose it won't make any difference to all the conspiracy theorists out there though. No matter how much evidence you put under their noses they're always going to deny it, silly really if you think about it :)

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Its strange that the majority of dis-believers actually live in the USA.

If there was any chance of it being faked then you would of thought that the USA's main competitors in the space race, ie Russia, would of been shouting the loudest about any kind of conspiracy. Funny how Russia never even raised a whisper about it. Makes you think really.

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Its strange that the majority of dis-believers actually live in the USA....

I'm not surprised at that - 40% of Americans believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old and don't accept that human beings evolved from animals. But that's another debate, for another forum of course :)

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communication would have been difficult... terrain less well known for landing-site selection... dark half of the time.. no view of Earth..

Presumably, with the technology available at the time, communication would have been impossible, not just difficult, if they landed on the far side. They needed to be able to see the earth to be able to get a message back to it. Hence the radio blackout when the orbiter went behind the moon.

Not a place to be stuck alone with 1960s technology and no view of home!

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Does anyone know why the landing sites all in a similar area? Surely there is much to be gained from landing at least one lander on the other side of the moon?

Its already been pointed out that there are UFO bases there......I suppose the high risk of astronaut abduction overruled a visit to the other side, pity really because the cheese has more holes in it on that side :)

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