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NGC7822/Ced214 in HST palette


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I had previously taken some Ha data for this just over a week ago but the promised weather didn't materialise to finish it last week as I only managed to get 5 hours of OIII data in a four night period that was supposed to be clear every night (don't you just love the weather forecasters?). I can now image this area of the sky earlier courtesy of my neighbours cutting one of their trees down but the sky didn't clear until gone 11pm. I managed to get 4 hours of SII data over the last week with 5x30 minute frames last night (which again was supposed to be clear but was interupted by 3 hours of cloud)

Anyway, enough of the complaining, I've managed to finish it although som extra OIII and SII would make the image a bit smoother

Taken with

Takahashi FSQ106ED at f5

Paramount ME

Starlight Xpress SXVF H36

5nm Ha, OIII and SII filters

Guided by Lodestar camera and OAG using dithering

Fully calibrated, stacked, colour combined with a weighting of 7:1:5 for SII:Ha:OIII and gamma stretched in Maxim DL

16 bit tiff processed in CS2 with levels, contrast curves, gradient xterminator, selective colour adjustments. No sharpening or noise reduction used

The Ha version can be seen on the Nebulae 2 page of the image gallery of my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk

A larger high resolution version of this image can be seen at the following link NGC7822/Ced214 in HST palette photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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