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Moon viewing part two


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So I got my second look at the moon tonight and used the 10mm and the level of detail was again spectacular. So what fun things could I try looking for on my next look at the moon? By the way are the big things in the middle of some craters?

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If you go to the "Highland Astronomical Society" home page you will see listed down the left hand side the word "Projects". By clicking on that you will see a selection of PDF's that can be downloaded of which the top two will give you first a map detailing 100 features to find and the other giving you some information as to why they are worth looking at. I can't remember but I think they get progressively tricky to find as the list goes on and of course some of these features can only be seen during the different phases of the moon's cycle because you will need either light or shadow to reveal the necessary detail.

Clear skies and happy hunting.


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