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Time 2 Buy!!

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ok you lot in the midlands, where can i travel to? who can i contact?

i want to be able to go collect my scope from a store, by law you only have to warranty an online purchase for 3 months and i'm not much for spending 2k online and having no friendly face to look at as i part with my money, and i'm not keen on 90 day warranty when i get 3 years from a store!!

if any of you locals have used anywhere that sell meade scopes and have a good accessory line then i'm all ears i finish work at 4pm today and hope to have a scope (if in stock) by this evening!! i'm town centre northampton and willing to travel an hour to collect, so birmingham, coventry, liecester, oxford, cambridge..if you could provide the name of the place i will find them and do some leg work!!!

Ooh so excited!!

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nope he said he was off to a star party so would be gone on the stroke of 5PM, he knew where i was heading when i said i finished at 4pm myself...i was greeted with "i have a star party at 5pm" and new it was all over on the spot...no prbs i have time, and i dont have to take the display model if i wait till next weekend!

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I don't bother - I run dobs!

carry em out, cool em down and point em.

I think some people use a compass which gives a close enough result for visual at least. if you are imaging then I'd start a new thread and see what other people do - must be some who have this problem.

good luck!

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i wished, i'm sitting here trying to find a thread that says my garden is southern facing and i cant see over my house to polar alighn?????? if you hvae any clues i'm all ears!?

My garden is south facing and I can see polaris over the roof from 6 foot away from the wall......You shure you cant see it? its pretty high up!

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Anyone know if there is anywhere open on sundays, would like to go take a look around at some of the scopes on display see what dew heaters and shields they have, maybe get up close and personal to a Meade 10" LX200! must be within an hour or close to northampton.? i have noticed when looking for opening time most dont say anything, is it because the clouds clear mainly on sundays??

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Right i'm off to buy today!! day off to get to Cambs and back, had to settle for the 8" instaed or i supped all my budget with the scope and could get the dew shield and straps, need to buy an EP wanted a good quality 13m i think,want a 2x Barlow aswell.

is there anything that i must not forget to buy while i'm over there, i mean anything i should not leave without???

i ahd a look through the for sale side of the site, but nothign took my fancy (well maybe televue Ep or 2 but i just know i will get home and something that i woudl have wanted will turn up for sale! if anyone is selling an LX200 8 or 10" AFC UHTC say now or i will have spent the money!!

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I bought almost the identical scope (10" LX200gps) over 6 years ago as my first and found it helped me learn with the aid of the goto. I still own it, along with two small refractors, and still love it to this day.

I think it's a good first scope, as long as you can handle the weight.

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your cynical Doc!!!:)

my philosophy on it, buy what you want and buy it once! i work all week, get one weeks holiday. no pay for being ill, do 18+ hour days when needs must, have very little time for anything i enjoy, and have never seen the point in not having what i want if i'm gonna work this hard, its the only thing that keeps me doing it, 2 kids, a wife thats very forgiving! and the need to find a late night intrest that gives me some 'me time'...so i'd like to get a scope that does a little of everything quite well, i set a buget in my mind after looking around and came up with around 2k, went a little over getting the other bits priced up and ended up here maybe got a little swayed by the asthetics and the sa,es pitch of meade.. i'm glad you guys came to my rescue and made me slow down, i will take on board everything that is said, and i will go and look at anything 2nd user that comes along...i tihnk the 90mm meade may well come my way at sensible money, that should curb the hunger for the bigger meade and you never know i may well build a bespoke system after all. what has been good to see is the people that have owned it (or close) say they enjoyed everything about it. i also think the others have a valid point..i'm going to attend a star party and see if i can nose throught a few differing scope models...it would be nice to look through the celestron/meade 8 & 10 and get a daylight look at both the units build quality, but above all else i want to see how the lense quality differs on the 8" to the 10", if the views are so much better then i think i will base the rest of the equipment on the size of the actual scope, mount is the sticking point at the moment and i just need to ballance what i want with how best i'm going to use it, if i take the 10 then maybe the EQ mount is the best option and keep the 90mm portable, with a 10" and a nice static EQGOTO in the garden, just depends what i can get from the 90 portable! lots to decide on lots still to learn! hope this book comes soon!

i like to here the user experiences with the differing equipment so thanks for sharing guys!

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I have to be honest, I'm glad you've found the handbrake!:):D

I'm similar to yourself in that if you want something and it's what you can safely afford then great, get it and enjoy it. If it turns out that astronomy is not for you, fine sell the kit and take a hit on its resale value and move on to something else. I wonder how many people who wanted to get in to this hobby, bought a really cheap 'beginners' scope, become disappointed with what they saw and give up - far too many!!!

I have spent over a year going to star parties, hanging around observing groups and astro clubs' observation evenings, probably being a pain asking too many questions, wanting to try out too many eyepieces (sincere apologies to any of them who are reading this now!) but I did so in order to see how good observations can get, how good Saturn or Jupiter and even Mars would be and to what else there really is to see out there. I did this without owning a scope, although later on I was given a 4" reflector on a mount with no drives which was near impossible to focus because everything moved and wobbled! That piece of kit certainly had its limitations and at best confirmed what I certainly didn't want.

So I would never stop you or anyone else from buying the worlds biggest scope IF they have done their homework regarding its capabilities and so knew exactly what they were getting and how it would facilitate their needs and possible desires. So again I'm glad you've taken a step back and look forward to meeting you at the next start party - just don't ask too many questions! :):D:D:D:D

Clear skies


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