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Finally I used my new Skymax MAK 127


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Wednesday evening was pretty clear so I set-up my new Skymax MAK 127 and got some viewing in :p I wanted to view the Moon the most but unfortunately I only got to see it for all of 3 minutes. However, what I did see was awesome :D Can't believe how close it was and the detail was amazing! I look forward to viewing this the most in the future. I was sad to see it disappear below my next door neighbours garden fence after only a few minutes of viewing though ;) So I moved over to Jupiter which was a nice sight. Got to see its Moons and a slight banding if I looked hard enough.

I couldn't for the life of me set up the GOTO as I didn't know which direction to select for the brightest star alignment :D lol. However, I left this for a later date as I knew the clouds would be setting in any time soon. I stuck to moving the 'scope to where I wanted it without using the GOTO (still automatic with the handset though) and this was fine. The tracking feature was excellent too! I couldn't imagine using a 'scope without this feature, I really couldn't.

One thing that's not good is the battery pack. OMG, they run out super quick. This was the first night of using the 'scope and the batteries are already very low (the 'scope started to move slower and slower) lol, so I will be investing in a battery pack from Maplins. This is an essential if you're using a SupaTrak or GOTO 'scope. I'm surprised they don't include a battery pack with GOTO 'scopes. I mean, GOTO' are not cheap so that's the least they could do IMO (maybe I'm asking for too much though) :)

So yeah, first nights viewing in and I'm very pleased. Can't wait to explore the Moon in more detail!!!

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Congratulations Sirius on observing with the new gear. :) The power issue is a problem and would certainly look for improvement there, especially as its getting colder which is something that can take a further toll on battery life.

As you weren't out for very long I'm sure that dew was not a problem for you (I assume that a dew shield was provided?) but with longer viewing, that lens at the front is going to become a dew magnet for sure. If not supplied, you can always make a elongated shroud to cover the front (camp mat material is great!) or alternatively you can purchase a dew heater and band that you attached just behind the lens. I mention this only because if you are going to buy a new battery, those dew heaters are hungry for power so I would buy the largest battery that is practical for you to lug around.

Again congratulations on your nights viewing and wishing you clear skies for the next session!!:D


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I have the skywatcher 130 synscan, similar scope. Just got it about a week ago. I Had trouble for a wee bit finding things but now I found out how to use it and now I love the thing!!! I also saw the moons, I saw the bands of cloud on Jupiter which was also cool!

Great little scoop. Think ill upgrade to a 10 incher next year. What a hobby!!! Even the post man was interested.

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Hope your new scope give you as much pleasure as mine is giving me. I dont have a go to system but I bet it will come in handy when time is of the essence and the clouds wont play fair. I have got the sky watcher explorer 200p and the EQ5 mount but with no motor drive or go to. However not having a go to and having to find stuff myself is quite rewarding and not that hard once you start getting to grips with the finder scope. Clear sky's to you and happy star gazing.:D

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