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So I finally got a chance to see the moon


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The moon has been rising and setting in places where I can't get my scope to look at it, and by chance I just happened to notice that it was in the one area of the sky I can see clearly from my back porch, and it was amazing. I can't wait to see it in full darkness. The other thing I began playing with was my 10mm eyepiece, I think I saw my first binary star tonight as well. Is the middle star in Orion's sword a binary?

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Hi Manok101

glad you got to see the moon! it's one of my favourite objects - so much to see - try the Lunar 100 list - it's a great way to target areas of the moon you might not normally see.

I am not sure where you are but here at least (England, and currently) when the moon is in daylight (i.e. evening) I don't think Orion's belt is yet visible - in my area it rises after midnight, although I must confess my eastern horizon is a little blocked by houses. Ironically, the two outer stars in Orion's Belt are binaries but the middle one is not.

if you want to see a nice binary, find the constellation Cygnus, it's like a kite shape high in the sky. find the star at the bottom of the kite and you'll see a lovely double star, gold and blue, Albireo (Beta Cygni). Also in the handle of the plough/big dipper there's a crooked part. the star(s) at the crooked part are a triple system.

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