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Comet 103P/Hartley

Robert Watson

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:icon_scratch:Hi All, Been out a few nights now , untill last night sky;s in N Ireland have been fab. What i would like to know has anyone seen Comet 103p/Hartley, i've been looking for it since 1st oct but still can't find it this being the 13th it's just gone past the Double Cluster in Cassiopeia so still load's of time to try and catch it if and when the sky's clear again

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I've been trying to track it down myself. I think I've seen it but I'm not 100% sure.

According to Stellarium if you put Mirphak in the centre of your view, then move left until Mirphak moves out of view (I have my Stellarium set for my bins at 10x mag, so this may be different for others) you'll find it quite close to NGC 1444

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By using StarryNight Pro 5 I tracked it down with my 10" Dob. Last night again produced star maps from Starry Night and found it using my William Optics SD66 small frac.

I think it's an object that you need reasonable star maps to locate it and cross reference star patterns around it.

The other night I started with Gamma Persei not Mirfak. However, tonight its about 5 degrees from Mirfak situated by 4 - 6th mag stars.

Too much mist tonight for me to find it.


Well done Martin - pictures are better than words

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I saw it Sunday night but couldn't find it tonight due to the high cloud around here making seeing murky.

I even struggle with 16" of aperture so it's a tough object to see from a light polluted back garden.

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I found it in binoculars 3 nights ago, but, despite being LARGE, it has a very low surface brightness.

I was scanning the area but couldnt see it, but was also taking images with camera on tripod with 50mm lens, and the comet was clear as a bell in the pics!! So, went to the area of the photo with the bins, and there it was. :)

It was large and round, but faint, you really know where to look.

Good luck. :D

ps ... there is another thread in observation/widefield that may help.

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