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So which way to go?

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Don't go for the LS series Meade's.......you will be paying through the nose for it, and they are a compromise through and through. The camera is very average and you can get the same aperture for a lot less.

Keep an eye on astrobuyandsell, and see if you can pick up a secondhand 8 inch, or even better, 10 inch, meade LX200 classic.

I had one of these and regret selling it, but at the time I needed to fund some other gear.

I had some exceptional views through it, took my first astrophotos with it and they are great for planetary imaging with a webcam.

The 10 inch scopes are easy enough to handle if you're reasonably fit, but if you move up to a 12 inch it gets a lot harder.

If you only want visual, I would go for a 12 inch dob.



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i keep looking at the 10" meade but was not convinced by teh setup they come with, the LX200 gets raved about by all that have used it, but it would probably mean me buying the bin seperate to the eq mount...i will certainly take on board what your saying (i will) and while i have no pressure on me to buy i will certainly look and the buysell side of the site and see what crops up along the way. i need to be somewhat sensible about size as i will have to garage this unit when not in use.. Also needs to travel well because i want to use mostly in Norfolk at the parents house, they get some fantastic dark nights..i have been amazed how black the sky looks when they get a clear night! i think i have a gem to be sharing with Norflok locals once i've had a chance to go myself...will try some imaging wile i'm out to be sure! Thanks RobH for popping in and giving so personal advice, i think that LX200 series was a gem by the feedback on it across the site!

Working, a bit rushed i read it abck and noticed the mistakes...to busy to proof for you guys sorry!

scope sim wont let me slew after setting everything to simulator i get error 1 not set to local but clearly i have set to local under configuration any ideas?

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excuse me for bumping this but i'm trying to keep my help and advice together so i can come back as required.

i read a thread that directed me off to find my long/lat/elevation but i cant find it now i want it...i'm running stellarium with the scope simulator driver and trying to input some local details could someone advise a nice site for this info please?

i have been reading and thinking about this scope i want to buy, and after reading alittle more i'm toying the idear of dropping the LS and going with the goto 10" on an EQ mount..we shall see what budget i have when i finaly goto buy! anyhow thats why i'm running the scope tools in stellarium to see if i can get used to it.. i feel like i'm sprinting before i have crawled but hey.

Found the link i needed again... just some help with setting stellarium up if possible?


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i managed to get it working in simulation mode, noted it tracked to the centred star ok, doesnt seem to be as complicated as i was expecting it to be (maybe because its in simulation mode) so am now seriously thinking about the 10" and dropping the 8"ls.

just need to read the polar alighn thread again! this being said i'm getting closer to buying earlier than was predicted as i wont have to wait for the new EQ mount on the 8" ls.. any hints on a good EQ field mount that would transpot well in the boot of a VW boot?

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