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Local Government star party...


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Last year I was invited to a meeting about the promotion, by the local Tourist Board, of the clear skies of Provence for flying and astronomy.

One idea I proposed was to have a star party, not that I have ever been to one, alas. (Shame on me!) Now it seems they they are all set to do just this and I'm invited along next week to another meeting.

While I can handle most of the French well enough, such meetings soon drop into, 'Well the CSSD have agreed joint funding with AMUU and the PCCSQ but it has to be approved by NDA at the URRS conference next June.' And that's me done.

Anyway, the real point is that a local government organization is interested in astronomy and wants to promote it. Good, eh?

If anyone would like to give me something intelligent to say about star party organization I would love to hear from them. I have thought about avoiding city centres and the full moon but apart from that...


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In my experience Olly, star parties bring extra trade to local businesses at quieter (wintery) times of the year when tourism normally drops off - could be a good point to raise.

E.g. Kelling equinox parties see 300-400 extra pitches sold to campers over 2 weeks at the end of the camping season - along with corresponding increases in use of supermarkets, pubs, restaurants, and clothing shops, etc.


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