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I watch the program on the cd through my dvd player. MOST dvd players nowadays are multiformat and will read VCDs and the like. I get to look at the image galleries and all sorts of extra stuff including listenning to the MP3 audio interviews. Watching vids on pc/laptop tends to be a right steamy pile of carp - don't do it :)

I used to record S@N on video, but now I get each program on CD and can watch it on my TV at leasure there is no need.

My DVD player is only a cheap £40 one so c'mon people... give yours a try.

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I've found that the more you pay for a DVD player, the less it does. We got one for my daughter from the supermarket for about £30 and it does the lot, a mate of mine got a super duper one for £200 and it can't do VCD stuff.

Chubster, I'll get the boy to check the Xbox tomorrow between Ghost Recon sessions.

Captain Chaos

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Flippin-eck! Just found my player on the old fleabay - how does £15.99 NEW NEW NEW grab ya?

It is a RONIN DVD 215 multi regional and plays; DVD/DVD-r/VCD/CD/CD-r/CD-RW discs and also plays MP3 files.

My friends only buy all the expensive stuff for various video and audio qualities that I know nothing of, with gold coated cables and LORD knows what - mine plays everything I got and that's good enough for me. One of the best things I EVER bought and still cheap at £40.

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The same two machines indeed - we got an echo in here? And now we've got quotes within quotes WITHIN QUOTES! Gonna build up some feedback in here folks... screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech (ouch)

And your point is about the quotes??????? :) :) :)

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I've found that the more you pay for a DVD player, the less it does. We got one for my daughter from the supermarket for about £30 and it does the lot, a mate of mine got a super duper one for £200 and it can't do VCD stuff.

That's more than an observaton, it is in fact true. My mate's a highly skilled cd/dvd repair engineer and its a well known fact that supermarket dvds play more formats. The high end players are for folks who need top notch sound and picture quality.

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