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Worth buying a barlow x 2?

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Hi folks,

I have aa Celestron 127 Powerseeker which i got 2nd hand to get me started in this hobby a 3 x Barlow comes as part of the deal and from what ive read the supplied ones are not that great.

So is it worth me buying a good Barlow x2, i have bought 40mm, 20mm and 9mm eyepieces decent quality, would a x2 barlow make my 20mm like a 10mm? would this be pointless considering i have a 9mm? And if i used a X2 barlow with the 9mm would i see the benefit with this telescope.

Any suggestions or ideas welcome.

Learning all the time!

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With what you have a x2 barlow is pointless.

The 40mm would become a 20mm.

The 20mm would become a 10mm.

The 9mm would become a 4.5mm, which is too much and unusable.

All I can suggest is if the eyepieces you have are not good enough then you would have to consider some new eyepieces.

What you have is a reasonable selection of focal lengths with perhaps the addition of something like 12mm to suppliment the 9mm when conditions are not so good.

Sorry just read that the eyepieces you have you bought and are decent.

I would just consider adding a 12 mm and call it a day.

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Although there are some really good low cost barlow available (TAL), it is a bit pointless in buying one as stated by Capricorn.

40,20 and 9mm is a nice range of EP's to have. Maybe as also stated......something between the 9 and 20mm would be worth buying(12-15mm).

Sorry Capricorn for just basically saying everything you said.

al55...........what make/model of EP's do you have?

You could buy a Moon filter. These are very handy for observing the moon. They cut down the brightness thus making it a more comfortable experience. You will get really nice views of the Moon with 9m EP.

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My 40mm is a meade super plossl, 20mm televue plossl 9 celestron omni, hopefully these are upto the job on this telescope. I have a moon filter which i have tried (sort of) but not quite sure how this filter attatches to other eyepieces, can you help on this, has got a thread but not sure what it screws into.

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My 40mm is a meade super plossl, 20mm televue plossl 9 celestron omni, hopefully these are upto the job on this telescope. I have a moon filter which i have tried (sort of) but not quite sure how this filter attatches to other eyepieces, can you help on this, has got a thread but not sure what it screws into.

If you look at the other end of the EP (not the end you look through) you will see screw threads. Then have a look at the moon filter. On one end of it you will see similar screw threads.

You simply screw both the EP end (where the threads are) and the Moon filter (where the threads are) together and then place the whole EP into the scope as normal.

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I DONT mean to be crude.................but think of it like your EP and filter (any filter) copulating. There is a male and there is a female. They both fit together.

That must be the STRANGEST analogy EVER for explaining how a filter and EP fit together.

I kept it clean for family viewing.

P.S.~~~you are not "with" stupid for asking. Many people who have never used filters ask the same question.

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Thank you Luke, did get my first look at the moon through the scope the other night with the 20mm and 9mm and was impressed, also managed to pick out M31, which i have done before with binocs, so making progress and more importantly enjoying it. Best buy so far was the telrad.

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