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got my first telescope


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after seeing jupitor in the sky it inspired me to get a telescope! only cost me £38 off ebay but its good enough to test the water!

came through today, its obviously very cheap but good enough to see if i get in to it all.

tool it outside, tried to find Jupiter but couldnt, then tried to find the moon, nothing. then took the lens cap off :)

got good view off the moon then had a look at jupitor, could see three moons, wasnt best of view as had lights on in the flat but still was a result, took moon pic with phone!

its somewhere to start anyway!



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"then took the lens cap off "

Don't tell anyone, but I've done that too! :)

The first telescope can be brilliant for getting the collection of all the 'little extras' underway (eyepieces, red led light, books, maps, decent finder, etc) without any expensive panics while learning.

Plus it should be able to show you where your real astronomy interest lies (with me it's mainly DSO's), which will be a huge help for the next 'scope (and then you should have a decent collection of EP's to get going with the new 'scope, for example, adding the Skyliner 200p dob to my ST120, has meant I only really needed one eyepiece to fill the gap due to the longer focal length of the 200p).

A pair of binoculars is handy for helping you find your way around too - even my trusty old Russian 7 x 50's have worked very well. I got dad a pair of 15 x 70's bins for his birthday, that can be had on offer for £49.95, and they have turned out to be gobsmackingly good at helping us to find things. :)

Oh and if you haven't already, download Stellarium, it's brilliant for

helping find things.

Have fun, there's a lot out there to see, and the more you see, the more there is to find to see. :icon_eek:

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what a DSO's? wheres best place to read up on the lingo etc??

i will deffo get in to it an as you say this will let me know what im interested in, i got a pair of 10x50 binoculars, had them ages, used them to scope out stuff on land.

got 3 eye pieces, 4mm 12.5mm an 20mm i think. used all of them last night, on the 4mm by time you get focused an in line its moved out of line lol, think this scope has a small field of view. but cant complain for £25 plus pp. anyway going on holiday to turkey for a week tonight so will start planning new stuff when i get back!


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