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Light pollution

cosmic dave

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It's already something in the good direction.

Here, where I live, we see such a waste of electric power, not only from private houses, but especially from the street and public places that often light historical buildings with spot lights during the whole night.

I wish this council was aware at least of the waste of energy, not to mention the degradation of our night sky...

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At least your council have acknowledged the problem. More than some!

OK, I'm no lawyer, but I think you have some good protection.

Many years ago I was involved in protests against a clay pigeon shooting ground that had been granted planning permission to operate long hours, 7 days, 'blasting' a number of nearby houses.

Because planning had been granted, it could not be withdrawn. However, the 'Control Of Pollution Act 1974' meant that the council had a statutory obligation to follow up complaints of noise pollution.

All it took to get the ball rolling was a letter to the environmental health officer. A long story and a couple of years later the shoot was closed down.

The environmental health department took the shoot operators to court and got the nuisance stopped, while the planning department, next office, were considering changes to buildings!

If the environmental health department had not acted, then the householders concerned could have taken the council to court for failing in their duty.

Your council have acknowledged that light is a form of pollution. My council have yet to do this, so my arguments might be seen as weaker.

Perhaps a letter of enquiry to your council?

Perhaps a word with a lawyer friend?

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