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A dusty Iris Nebula


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I thought I would have another look at this and see just how much dust I could get to show given the limited RGB time and light pollution, I took the original data from the previous image posted here and made a shadows and highlights adjustment followed by adjusting the black point and two very minor 'S' shaped curves adjustments. There is more noise in the image and the core is a bit bright but my main intention was to see how much of the dust in the region I could get to show. This has made me want to go out and get more data to make a smoother image which I will now do at the next opportunity and then reprocess the whole image from scratch.

The earlier RGB and LRGB versions can be seen on the home page and the Nebulae 2 page in the image gallery of my website


and here is a link to a larger high resolution image

NGC7023 - Iris Nebula (reprocessed to show more dust) photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking again

Best wishes



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This is one of favorite images seen on here for the past wee while

It's really difficult to pull out faint dust areas without showing colour gradients, noise and other artifacts. This is how it's done!

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Great capture and very fine processing Gordon.

I can see that you've pushed quite hard to bring out the dust, but you've managed to do it without losing control of the stars and brighter areas.

A top drawer image :blob10:



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