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ISS over Dorset tonight?


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Hi Gobes. The next pass is at 21:18 to 21:24, and yes, it should be visible from Dorset. If you're interested in ISS passes then I recommend that you join Heavens-Above Home Page

This site will detail all visible ISS passes from your location, and a bunch of other stuff as well. Create an account and select your viewing location. Enjoy.

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20:20 it should be going over.. but I'm not sure if the time changes much for where you live in the UK. But if that is the general time for the UK, you can't miss it, will be very high, nearly directly above.

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It went over me tonight - realised what it was, tried to get the scope onto it, Telrad fogged up from the dew, no luck with just "wild" pointing and hoping for the best and then it was gone ... May try again tomorrow, although it may be too early to see - will still be too light I think. Not sure I can track it with a Dob. and not sure if there is anything to see apart from a dazzling light.

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