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Absolutely Gutted!


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So finally my first ever 'scope arrives today - SW 130P Supatrak. I open the box to find it has a lot more 'superficial marks' than stated, especially the mount legs. OK, I can cope with that. I'll just spray paint them silver at some point and touch up the other marks. I then try to work the red dot finder to find out it needs a new battery (this wasn't stated). OK, I can deal with this. Have a rummage around and I find a new one. All works OK. I then carry on setting it up and get to the Supatrak part (pretty excited by now) and putting the other 'blips' behind me I move on quite happily. Only to find that there's a wire loose in the battery pack which means the Supatrak and control doesn't work unless you position the cover of the battery pack firmly over this loose wire so it doesn't move about. Bear in mind none of this was stated when I bought it (only a few superficial marks) *I could of lived with those alone*. Anyway, I finish setting the 'scope up, all disheartened, only to find that as soon as I get it outside and move it about slightly the wire comes loose and I can't work the Supatrak.

Oh, one last thing. I can't see a damn thing out of it only a blur. This is probably my fault and I'm doing something wrong but being [removed word] off and all I really can't be bothered to find out what it is that's wrong. In fact I've got in touch with the guy and asked him for a refund (he states refunds on his page) so I'm crossing my fingers he excepts and I get my money back so I can buy a brand new one. If not, I'm £113 short plus no new 'scope for me until xmas when I can get one as a present. God I'm [removed word].... and disheartened all in one :o

Sorry for the rant folks. As some of you know, I've been waiting like a kid for Christmas for this 'scope arriving and then this. I'm sooooo disappointed. Have I done the right thing asking for a refund? None of this could have been done in transit (you should of seen the amount of bubble wrap in came in) lol.


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So sorry to hear of these issues Kristy.

I'm sure you have done the right thing by demanding a refund - the scope is unusable in the state it was delivered which is a lot more significant than a "few superficial marks".

Was this a dealer or a private sale ?.

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Hi Kirsty

Sorry to hear of the scope troubles. Did you buy it on Ebay? If you did and you paid by paypal you should be covered. If not, it's purely a matter between the two parties. Keep a record of when you contact the seller and what is agreed and I would suggest you follow it up in writing. If the seller states that he/she give refunds for faulty goods then, as long you can demonstrate that the goods were faulty and/or not as described, then the seller doesn't appear to have a leg to stand on.

If it's through Ebay, I would always use the 'send seller a question' route. That way Ebay have a record of the messages that pass between you as well as you. Details of Ebay's disputes procedure can be found on their website.

If all fails (the loose wire might be easily repairable. However, I really wouldn't go down that route whilst you are in dispute as any fiddling about with the scope could it much more difficult to later get your money back.

I feel your pain.

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Hi Kirsty

Bring it down to EMS dark site at the next observing session and one of us will be able to help you sort it out. If you've got you're refund and sent it back by then - come down anyway for a look through some pretty tasty scopes and advice. We'll help sort you out :o


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Thanks for the advice folks. After having a couple of days to 'cool down' I've decided to keep the 'scope. My Dad has soldered the wire which is now OK and I've washed down and touched up the legs of the mount. As for not being able to see, well no wonder, it needed collimating badly. The secondary was well out and the primary slightly too. It took me all day to do it but I'm still unsure it's properly done. At least I can see things now and it's not just a blur. However, as the Moon has been really low I haven't been able to check things out properly (I really want to see the Moon) and as it's easy to see for newbies I think this would of helped confirm to me if it's collimated correctly. I went out last night to check the Supatrak and get used to things and stars looked pretty clear through it (small but clear, not blurry). I'm still unsure though.

I think I've done the right thing by keeping it. Everything seems to work fine and its scrubbed up nicely, it's just the principle of the matter i.e. the guy didn't mention any of these things and that's what p****d me off the most. I'd never sell something and not mention things like this (but that's just me) -_^ Also, the thought of not getting another 'scope until Christmas was just too daunting :o Not to mention the seller wasn't playing ball when I asked for a refund and it can be a long and arduous process going through eBay and Pay Pal to get your money back.

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Hi Kirsty

Bring it down to EMS dark site at the next observing session and one of us will be able to help you sort it out. If you've got you're refund and sent it back by then - come down anyway for a look through some pretty tasty scopes and advice. We'll help sort you out :o


I'll be there tomorrow so thanks for this :) I'm super looking forward to it and can't wait to get some proper viewing in.

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ask Mick, i.e. Doc if he will bring down his lazer collminator saturday night to the dark site, i used to have one but sold it, this will get your collmination spot on and it only takes a few minutes to do.

i used to have a 130p supatrak, my first scope and i loved it, sold it to a mate on here for £130 and was as new, had great views of saturn, jupiter, orions belt, moon and loads more these are brill scopes but i didn`t bother with the battery pack at home viewing, i bought a cigar cable with a 2.1 jack plug and a mains adapter which plugs into a power point in the house and this was alot better as the batterys soon die off after a few hours,

i still have the mains plug in adapter if you want it you can have it for half the price i paid for it, £8 and is as new used a few times, o.k. sales pitch over,

hopefully see you saturday night

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Glad you have got it working. I'm sure Brantuk et al will be able to sort out any minor remaining problems. At which point you will have quite a nice scope at quite a nice price. And when you start seeing all the great sights in the night sky, your purchasing problems will fade like a dream on waking:)

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ask Mick, i.e. Doc if he will bring down his lazer collminator saturday night to the dark site, i used to have one but sold it, this will get your collmination spot on and it only takes a few minutes to do.

i used to have a 130p supatrak, my first scope and i loved it, sold it to a mate on here for £130 and was as new, had great views of saturn, jupiter, orions belt, moon and loads more these are brill scopes but i didn`t bother with the battery pack at home viewing, i bought a cigar cable with a 2.1 jack plug and a mains adapter which plugs into a power point in the house and this was alot better as the batterys soon die off after a few hours,

i still have the mains plug in adapter if you want it you can have it for half the price i paid for it, £8 and is as new used a few times, o.k. sales pitch over,

hopefully see you saturday night

Oh excellent, I will do that (hope he doesn't think I'm cheeky asking though) :) I used an old film canister and cut the bottom off and put a small hole in the lid. It seemed to work OK but I doubt it's anywhere near spot-on. I wanted to use a Cheshire but obviously couldn't. I will definitely be buying one though. Are these better than the laser collimators? I've heard that lasers can be tricky, sometimes they're well out and they also need collimating :o Sounds scary lol.

Regarding the adapter, I'm gonna PM you right now.

Hope to see you tonight. Would be nice to talk to someone who's owned the same 'scope.

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Glad its all working out - unfortunately most people selling scopes on ebay have no idea what they are selling so its very foten the blind leading the blind. I have been out to see a few which were very different to as advertised.

Really glad its all working out though.

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