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Nebula around the Lyra or Hercules area?

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Hi all. Just been scanning the sky with my telescope... and came across what I assume to be a nebula, but can't id it. It was around the Lyra and Hercules area of the sky and appeared as a circular fuzzy shape.

Normally I would check on Stellarium - but am currently in Dorset on holiday, without my laptop. So if anybody can help that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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I think M13 is in the vicinity of Hercules. It's a large globular cluster. My SW127 Mak resolves some stars in this cluster. It's been a while since I viewed it and I believe I was using my 16.8mm ortho at the time (89x mag).

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When you view it again try increasing the magnification a little and see if you can resolve some of the stars. We're a little limited with only 5" of aperture with the 127 Mak but mine does resolve some of the stars in quite light polluted skies.

I can also see the 'Ring neb' but it is extremely faint due to the LP. However, using averted vision you can definitely make out the 'smoke ring' effect. If your skies are dark then you should be able to make it out easier.

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Hmm. Well even with my 10mm EP on it was still a circular fuzzy blob, certainly no stars being resolved... so perhaps it was not the cluster after all. Will have to have another look.

I'm staying just South of Shaftesbury in North Dorset at the moment, and loving the dark skies ;-) Been a while since I was anywhere with a view of the Milky Way.

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As Harry suggested could it be M92?

Check out the map it this link - File:Hercules constellation map.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also a globular cluster and smaller than M13 so it would be harder to resolve individual stars. I was looking at them both the other night and was resolving some stars (although I have more aperture) in both. As the Moon was rising it was becoming harder to resolve them, so could you be having a similar problem? :o


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