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Looking good for tonight!


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It was forecast for clear skies in the Staffordshire Moorlands last night, and so it was, but the seeing was appalling, the moon washed everything out and it was so windy that it made my scope shake (no fun at 100x!) Gave up after half an hour.

It wasn't a total loss however as I needed to do a star test to check collimation after a mirror 'removal and bath in the sink' and it seems to be spot on!

During the star test at 108x I think I managed (despite the shaking) to see Polaris B for the first time . (about 8-9'oclock relative to A - very close and very faint?)

Forecast clear for Thursday and Saturday nights at the moment and my 18mm Radian should arrive my then!

Come on weather - play fair just for a while!

let me know how you get on tonight.

Clear skies!

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Well, I've finally found something the iPhone is good for - I have a couple of weather apps that have been pretty accurate over the last week or so and one of them is, suprisingly, from the Met Office!

Let's hope the clouds go forth away from here and the wind dies down for one and all.

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Well, I've finally found something the iPhone is good for - I have a couple of weather apps that have been pretty accurate over the last week or so and one of them is, suprisingly, from the Met Office!


Perhaps they should get rid of their super computers and buy an Iphone then....

This must be coming from another dept that has some idea how to generate a forecast....


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Perhaps they should get rid of their super computers and buy an Iphone then....

This must be coming from another dept that has some idea how to generate a forecast....


I'm no great iPhone lover, so I'd have to say no to that. Plus, I've only had the app for a week. It's been pretty accurate so far, but there is still time for the 'barbeque summer!'

My bit of seaweed's dry too and that is 100% reliable!

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Its going to clear gradually accross most of the UK tonight. There is a band of cloud streaching EW accross the midlands but even this will break with time..

So try that red spot...but the moon will be big and bright again!



Then a washout tommorrow but pretty good again in most places over the weekend...

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Not looking great for tonight unfortunately, moon is very bright and clouds scudding around all over the shop.

Too bad about the washout tomorrow, I was hoping for a spot of golf!

Pleased about the weekend forecast though, I've promised some visiting friends a go with my scope.

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Its going to clear gradually accross most of the UK tonight. There is a band of cloud streaching EW accross the midlands but even this will break with time..

Then a washout tommorrow but pretty good again in most places over the weekend...

You sound just like Michael Fish!

No hurricanes then?

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After last nights attempt at viewing I can't be bothered tonight. The moon was just too bright and all I wanted to do was look at Jupiter. Although I could, I couldn't push the mag past x90 with out serious loss in viewing quality... plus I feel like being lazy tonight with a glass of wine or two. :D

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It was forecast for clear skies in the Staffordshire Moorlands last night, and so it was, but the seeing was appalling, the moon washed everything out and it was so windy that it made my scope shake (no fun at 100x!) Gave up after half an hour.

It wasn't a total loss however as I needed to do a star test to check collimation after a mirror 'removal and bath in the sink' and it seems to be spot on!

During the star test at 108x I think I managed (despite the shaking) to see Polaris B for the first time . (about 8-9'oclock relative to A - very close and very faint?)

Forecast clear for Thursday and Saturday nights at the moment and my 18mm Radian should arrive my then!

Come on weather - play fair just for a while!

let me know how you get on tonight.

Clear skies!

Just got in at 11' o'clock.

Clouds cleared about 8.30 and I was out by nine. Forecast hadn’t been good so I just grabbed my gear and rushed into the garden before the weather changed it’s mind. The moon was out of sight but washing out the sky down to about 3 mag naked eye. (newbie estimate)

Had a go at M101 before it vanished and I might have seen it but not sure. Bit daft looking for it really with all the LP:D

Had a few brilliant moments however, and finished a happy chappy.

The main job for the night was to check my scope was working ok after my mirror removal, wash and replacement. Collimation needed a tweak after a star test but I think I got it close enough by tweaking the collimation knobs whilst Polaris slid unnervingly around my FOV.

Also had my new 6mm Radian (thanks Paul) that I hadn’t had the chance to try out yet.

I'm really pleased though, as I managed to split the "double double" in Lyra for the first time for sure. Really satisfying to see. At 108X there was a clear (but teensy small) gap. Magic!

Went onto to M57 and even though the two stars adjacent forming the bottom “end” of Lyra were only just visible to the naked eye, it was brilliant! With the Radian I could see the ring structure clearly with AV and almost directly. Well chuffed.

Onto the moon and it was superb! Really not had much chance to see it yet and it was wonderful, so much detail on the limb.

The clouds then rolled in, but I’ve had a great night here in the Staffordshire Moorlands. The seeing was rubbish really, but I’m happy with my kit and can’t wait to get out again.

Sorry for rabbiting on and I hope you got something tonight.

Clear skies.

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