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Hello from Sheffield...EEE It's grim up North!!


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:) Hi all, My name is Pat, 62 years old and retired, living in the North of Sheffield, South Yorkshire. I Always had an interest in Astronomy but never did anything about it until, a couple of years ago I bought a second hand Trashco 4.5" reflector...and quickly became disappointed with it 'cos I couldn't see what the Hubble telescope could see !!!...Anyway after looking at the moon for a while I decided to upgrade to a Celestron C6 N on a very complicated and posh EQ mount...I couldn't get on with it at all and suffered from chronic neck ache until I realised I could turn the OTA in it's rings.....but...all that was too much trouble, I just wanted a point and look scope so I could star hop my way round the universe....it was about the time I thought of upgrading the C6 N that I caught a bad dose of aperture fever....so today...18th Aug....I traded the Celestron in for a SW 10" Dobsonion. Pick it up tomorrow....you watch, it will be 100% cloud cover for the next four weeks!!!...Well enough of me rabbiting on, clear skies to you all, and best wishes from Sheffield.

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Hi and welcome to the group, Pat. :hello2:

Yep, there's free clouds included when you buy a scope...

it's the tiny print way down at the bottom of the last page, written in invisible ink. :)

You'll love the intuitive simplicity of the Dob. After more than a decade of using EQ mounts, i recently bought a 16" Light Bridge and it's truly a joy to use, and by far the easiest piece of kit i've ever owned. Well, except maybe the 11x70 binos. :hello2:

Here's hoping your skies are clear! :)

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Hi and welcome to the group, Pat. :hello2:

Yep, there's free clouds included when you buy a scope...

it's the tiny print way down at the bottom of the last page, written in invisible ink. :)

You'll love the intuitive simplicity of the Dob. After more than a decade of using EQ mounts, i recently bought a 16" Light Bridge and it's truly a joy to use, and by far the easiest piece of kit i've ever owned. Well, except maybe the 11x70 binos. :p

Here's hoping your skies are clear! :hello2:

Thanks for the welcome folks...and @Talitha...I just love your description of a Dob..."intuitive simplicity"...priceless!! and @ Mr Spock....EE bah gum, it's reight nice 'earin' sum'dy talk reight.... :)

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Hello and welcome to the group. As for grim up north, it ain't to clever down south either, thick cloud cover every night. ( unless I'm on shift, in which case the sky is as clear as a bell) lol.


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Hi Pat and welcome to the forum.

I'm glad to hear that you have finally settled on equipment that gives you what you want. It's always a little tricky balancing the desired technical aspects of equipment with the realistic limitations of day to day use.

Clear skies on your continued viewing.


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