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Tonights offers (Don't laugh please)


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Been out for abit tonight, but now the mist had come down and I was dewing up! Still had about 2 hours out there!

Ok please don't laugh at this god awful attempt, but this is my M31....


I know I know, it's blumming awful! but it's my first ever attempt at dso photography. I used the Powershot A70. No idea setting wise as I was fiddling with all sorts! I'm quite pleased with it, but I know to you guys it's Rubbish!


This one I was trying to get the neb around M45, but failed, however I quite liked the star trails.

Thankfully not everything I took tonight was rubbish, I have taken my best M45 shot to date, I'm totally thrilled with this


I'm so pleased with this, I just pointed the camera at it and hoped for the best!

And finally


Widefield of Perseus, came out quite well with a 15 second exposure.

Ok so the first too are terrible, and it's pretty embarrassing showing them, but M45 and Perseus I'm really pleased with.

On a side note, I tried my new Moonfish EP, it's fantastic! M32 and M110 are brilliant with it, in fact they looked better than M31 itself with any EP I have! I could also see the Neb around M45 with it too!


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Glad you had fun out tonight doing the imaging thing. BTDT with getting a buzz out of something showing up in a photograph, I had loads of nights where nothing worked at first. Then I came here and stuff started making sense. Just remember that "the guy who never did anything wrong never actually tried to do anything" is what my dad used to tell me.

Using a Dob. for DSOs? With a P&S camera? How in the h**l did you get that M45? That's supposed to not work big time. You want to get yourself a webcam setup as Registax will track for you over a few seconds, and maybe with your big Dob. you could shovel the photons in fast enough for it to do M45 and other bright stuff. I'd better go and stick a Toucam up the Skelescope and see what happens.

Pleased for you mate, keep 'em coming.

Captain Chaos

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The M45 is basically took 'piggyback' style, I lean the camera on the upright of the finder bracket, zoom in and take 15 second exposure (the max my camera will do)

I then clean it up in photoshop (basically de-noise it)


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Hi Kain , well you are on the road now to DSO imaging , this is how it all began with us all , so a good start for you, just remember , to note how the image was taken etc , its old hat i know telling everyone this , but it so important to do it, this way you will make gradual progress, keep it simple at first . well done


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Thanks guys :)

I didn't think my widefield constellation shots were that interesting to you guys, So I will keep having a go at them, never know, might be able to get abit of a guide going for the brightest ones for the newbie forum :)

I think when I get abit more cash, I wouldn't mind having a go at more of the imaging stuff, it's pretty rewarding showing people what you can see though the scope (or not as some of the nebs and that require long exposures) but it's certainly quite interesting.

Robin, I don't mid at all anyone editing my pics :)

Rog, I know I should write them down, but I always forget, I know I should though!


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