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Clear but murky


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Looking good on the beebs 24 hour forecast for Chesterfield but visibility only moderate. Still, beggars can't be choosers. Anyone else planning to get out? Targets? If the transparency is adequate I'm pointing the camera at M31.

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Looking clear but cloud on all horizons here at the moment. Fingers crossed. Will be pleased to just be able to try out the CGE's goto tonight. I set it all up last night (damn it's heavy!), only for the clouds to roll in when the OTA went on. Tried an alignment anyway, and it went nowhere near the first star. Hopefully better luck tonight!

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Its been that kind of clear, but not really here tonight. The sort where the black bits only go dark grey, and the sky is very wobbly, so I think that there's some kind of thin cloud hiding up there. I've been having a go at M57 as M27 turned out to be too big as I haven't figured out how to use the FR with the filter wheel yet. Done some Ha and OIII subs with the skelescope (its still at it) and snapped some M45 with the DSLR using the 80mm f/5 Frac.

Just popped in for a warm and a beer, I need to put the shed lid on later when its bedtime for the Skelescope.

The results might be a while, as work is going to mess my "playing with the images" up again over the next few days.

Captain Chaos

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