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Veil Nebula in Ha + OIII


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I managed to get out again last night to get some more data on the Veil Nebula complex. The sky remained clear all night and I took 4 hours of OIII data and an 1 hour and 40 minutes of Ha to go with the Ha I got last week.

I combined this so that Ha=Red, OIII=Green and (20%Ha + 100%OIII)=Blue

It was taken with the FSQ106ED and Starlight Xpress H36

10x20 minutes Ha and 12x20 minutes OIII auto guided by Lodestar using dithering in Maxim DL, mount was a Paramount ME.

At the next opportinity I will be doing the SII data to finish this off, the full size high resolution version can be seen at this link


It is over 18mb in size so please excuse the slow download, the Ha version can be seen on the Nebulae 2 page of the image gallery of my website

http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk along with earlier attempts at this target

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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That is just stunning, and is now my new desktop:) Hope you dont mind :p

Hi Keiran

Thanks for the comments, please feel free to use it as your desktop, it is mine as well

Best wishes


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