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9th August Messiers


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Hi there.

The first clear night in months had me out under the stars again and I got to hunt down some Messiers to sketch.

I hope you enjoy them.



I was amazed at how bright this object was, even at x56 it was so obvious, despite being low in the sky. Did I get it right?:p



The cluster of stars is easy to see, the nebula itself was very difficult, I tried an O-III, but it showed very little and averted vision was very helpful.



This globular has a very distinct core with a surrounding halo of nebulosity. No individual star could be seen.



I have been putting off sketching M13, simply because it scared me, there is so much detail to see. I took a deep breath and started, and enjoyed every minute of it. The entire sketch took about 45 minutes with going back and forth to see new things.

Thanks for your time.

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Fantastic sketching Paul That M13 is delicious !! You've captured those beautiful star streamers really well. You know, I have the same fear of sketching M13 as you had. I have thought about doing a sketch several times, but always chickened out :p

I take my hat off to you with that one.

Btw, really like your eagle nebula too. I spied it with my 12" earlier in the summer and found that an OIII really helped to define the nebulosity. I think you've captured the delicacy of it really well

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