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I am stupid...

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OK OK!! No need for so many of you to agree!!!:mad:

I have broken the legspreader on My tripod.....cheapand brittle plastic and me don't mix

I am planning on making a triangular aluminium plate with three holes the diameter of the tripod legs and using this

Has anyone any other suggestions or ideas???

(A new tripod is not on the cards unless I can get a decent one for 30 odd quid??)

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Why not try first with a piece of plywood.

Lot easier to work with and cheaper.

At least you could make one up and if it doess what you want and everything you can then use it as a template for aluminium.

Oh yes, welcome to the stuid club:evil6::mad::evil6:

You start with 2 stars:

1 for buying a cheap brittle plastic spreader,

1 for breaking it.


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I used a piece if 'melamine' chipboard as a temporary spreader for my wooden tripod about four months ago - it's worked a treat and never been replaced. I might put an edge on it to stop things rolling off but the fact it is white really helps to see things on it at night.


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I don't think you are stupid - the manufacturer should have built a more robust mount. The spreader plate takes a lot of strain - what were they thinking making it of plastic?

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Do not worry fellow Genesis fan, we've all broken something at one time or another, and when we're not breaking something we're losing losing it.

The spreader plate takes a lot of strain - what were they thinking making it of plastic?

Cost, pure and simple.

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