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Solar filter wont fit

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I bought a solar filter for my Celestron 130 a while back but its not fitting properly. It sits on the spider vanes with a few millimetres sticking out. Currently i tape it on when im using it for fear it will fall off and blind me (:mad: <----like so). Would i be better off cutting grooves in the cap so it can sit tighter on the spider vanes or are there any other things i could do to make it fit safely?

Cheers in advance

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As you can see the first picture shows the filter sitting like the dust cap. It looks secure but it has a few mm clearance which is preventing it from staying put. The second picture shows the bits that secure the filter against the inside of the OTA. My dust cap only goes down as far as the bump on this fiilter which is just short of the spider vanes. So because the ring on this filter is longer, it sits deeper in the OTA and the spider vanes prevent it from sitting snug inside. Would cutting grooves in the ring on the filter be the best option to get it to sit properly?



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