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I looked through an Ethos........

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I viewed a 17mm through an 11" SCT and I was impressed. I would dearly love to have a look through a large f/5 dob.

Saying all that I don't think I will be buying one any time soon.

With slower scopes the Explore Scientific 100 degree FoV eyepieces might be a good (and lower cost) alternative to an Ethos - they do a 14mm and a 20mm.

It's in fast scopes that Tele Vue really score - they are all designed and tested to work well down to F/4 - but you do pay a premium for that which might not benefit the slower scope owner.

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Flippin eck Shane!

Not been on the computer for a few days and then i come back to this LOL. My ethos must have had a big effect on you. Thinking about it we should have powermated it on the moon since viewing was so good that night.

I think youve done the right thing actually. the 13mm ethos makes the 14mm and 18mm radians obsolete so I think its a good exchange.

I was really impresed with the 20mm nagler and how it was so easy to look through. I also loved the nagler zoom, so much so that I want one of those now. Eye relief i thought was good and alot better than I was expecting.

I found it funny that the cheap ortho gave the best views of jupiter. Eye relief though was about as much as I could handle.

Whats it going to be like when i get my 21mm ethos!!! bring on the telescope house sale!

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cheers Gaz

you are right, it's just an awesome eyepiece the 13mm Ethos. we should have tried that on Jupiter too though I suppose then we'd have realised that the £8 12.5mm ortho was not as good as it looked :D

I suppose that as the magnification was much lower than the zoom and we were looking over rooftps and trees may have had an effect - (listen to me justifying it :mad:).

the 21mm Ethos would be really quite superb I reckon. I realised by the way why the 35mm Panoptic did not shine as much as usual. there was a fair bit of moonshine and therefore the exit pupil would have been a bit large for the eyes. I should maybe have put in a LPR filter. I suppose this is where the 21mm Ethos comes in with more mag and contrast.

see you again soon


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Congratulations Moonshane on getting the 13mm Ethos I am sure you won't regret it. I do not use a coma corrector on my f4.7 Dob as the views with the Ethos EPs are excellent across the FOV.

A number of SGL friends viewed through my 10" Dob with the 8mm and 13mm Ethos at SGL5 in April and everyone was impressed with the quality of the view.


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cheers Mark

I cannot wait to look through it and spend some time with it as I reckon there's a technique to getting the most from this sort of eyepiece. that said, the view of the double cluster in one field at 120x was something I won't forget in a hurry. In a way I am slightly annoyed with myself and in trying to resist the lure of the eyepiece, I forced myself off the view quicker than I wanted to.

I think I like the idea of the simple view through any eyepiece and therefore I am pleased that most seem to suggest it's not required with my scopes.

I think that although the wide field is the thing that initially seems to give the wow factor, it's the excellent sharpness and levels of contrast that make people continue to rave about these eyepieces. I'll report back once I have had a proper look - towards the end of the month by the looks of things!

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Yep that view was pure brilliance I must say.

Thinking about it you did seem reluctant to look through it! And considering the time you did, you have sure made your mind up quicklly. Your also suggesting you want the 8mm! LOL. I would wait if I was you. For me I don't think I could justify the 6mm or 8mm ethos because when the 13mm is powermated it gives me a 6.5mm eyepiece which sits between the two. I also couldn't justify a 10mm ethos because when I get the 21mm that will powermate to 10.5mm. However I am beginning to think I could justify the 3.7mm SX!!!! LOL even if powermating that is not an option unless I was on top of the himalayas!

I was also thinking about your 24mm panoptic. I have a feeling you might not need that anymore either because the 13mm ethos will give you 1.3deg TFoV and the panoptic a 1.63 deg TFoV in your frac. That panoptic I thought was a great eyepiece though. Just something to consider. :mad:

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you might be right but I really love the 24mm Pan. I reckon the only reason I'd 'ditch' that is for a 17mm Ethos.

It was the double cluster that really made my mind up. even though I only observed for a few seconds, it really was 'sock blowing offable', truly like a photo.

I agree about waiting for the 8mm (which would certainly be the next I go for if I do) and will spend some time with the 13mm before I decide on the next one - how awful for me :mad:

needless to say I have now been thoroughly Anethostised (ha ha - sorry).

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Actually at UK prices the ES 1400 is only a few quid cheaper than an Ethos. I bought mine when the dollar was favourable and ES were running a cut price deal.

It is supposed to run down to scopes of F5 and still provide a corrected view. I have only used mine twice since I had it and never run it up against an Ethos (though I have used an Ethos) so its hard to evalutae. If anyone is at Salisbury they were welcome to run them off against each other.

At the UK proce for an ES I'd buy the Ethos because theres nothing in it price wise. Though if I took a trip to the states and could get in on the deal where ES are banging out a 9 and a 20mm for a bargain price I'd probably buy the other two.

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